Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blur join LEGO Rock Band

Damnit, why did my favorite band have to go and mix with my favorite childhood toy?!

Announced via Rolling Stone, the Brit-pop pioneers will be appearing in full mini-fig form as part of LEGO Rock Band, joining both Iggy Pop and David Bowie as LEGO-tized musicians for the game.

I have to say, I'm suprised, pleased, and somewhat distraught over the band's inclusion. One, they only reunited this year, and subsequently said they wouldn't be doing anything more. Two, compared to Iggy Pop and David Bowie, they don't exactly have the same impact on the music industry. And then there's the fact that their only song in the game is the over-played and un-Blur like track, "Song 2". Otherwise, I definitely can see the resemblance, more so in Alex James.

LEGO Rock Band releases this November.

1 comment:

buy erectile dysfunction remedies said...

I don't know why but i never liked the Lego project because it felt unnatural. Still wonderfully written article.