Monday, September 15, 2008

It's Over 9000!!!!!!

Yeah, finally a chance to post this video. Even though I'm about 50 visitors late ... See how I didn't even use the Dragonball Z one? That's just how awesome we are! And let's be honest, this one's just funnier. I believe thank you's are in order:

First off I'd like to thank the readers, casual visitors, a wrong link clickers, because without you, the Unique Hits wouldn't go up. I have to thank our press contacts, because without them most of our news and reviews wouldn't be available. I'd really like to thank the staff, because without them, my hands would've broken off already. And not to be selfish, but I have to thank myself for keeping up, because otherwise this would all be nothing.

Another big shout out to all of our new found friends at YouTube and MySpace, combined they make almost over 300 different people! So now it's just too much for me to list. I'd also like to remind everyone that we're also on Facebook and Flickr, so why don't you stop by and say hello? I'd also like to thank GamersPlatform, because even though we have our differences, they're still making a contribution to our content, most notably The Top Ten.

And lastly, Hewwosaur, our mascot.

Because how can you say no to that face?

If there's anyone I missed, I'm sorry, just leave a comment.

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