Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Turn Your Back

So, I believe this is my first real post concerning music. I'm sure many of you have been waiting for this day. The day that my loving hand of rocktitude touches VFH. Well it is here. In the form of a big band from Canada...

Billy Talent. They have been working on their newest album for a while now, and the first song to come out of the recordings is their single "Turn Your Back".

The song has released in most places already, but yet to go are Australia on September 20th, September 22nd in New Zealand, and September 26th in South Africa.

It's a pretty awesome song and all proceeds go to the Red Cross. So hey, what the hell, go buy it, maybe you'll find something you like. And you get to help folks out either way.

But on the thought of that, their is something I don't like about the song. Anti-Flag. I'm sure if you're an Anti-Flag fan you'll be excited by their inclusion, but they take out some of that Billy Talent sound that makes them such a great band. Most notably the backup vocals are hurt by A-F's inclusion. The lead vocals are very unique, the contrast between them and the backup vocals just make for great music. But that's just a small setback. The song is still great, and it's for a good cause; unless you hate dying and/or sick people, and possibly babies... Then I guess you don't need to get it.

You can buy the track on iTunes (will redirect)

(But if you buy the track, go listen to the live version on YouTube and compare it to the studio release)


Anonymous said...

I downloaded it. I'd rather get a free song out of it when donating to the Red Cross, so I couldn't help myself. I was presented with two options: donate a dollar and get no song, or donate a dollar and get a song. I chose the latter.

Hampig said...

lol, good man.